machine tool code

machine tool code
Автоматика: УП станка, код УП, код станка, программа обработки

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "machine tool code" в других словарях:

  • Machine taper — A machine taper is a system for securing cutting bits and other accessories to a machine tool s spindle. Contents 1 Explanation 2 Use 3 Types 3.1 Morse 3.1.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Tool and die maker — Not to be confused with tap and die. Tool and die makers are workers in the manufacturing industry who make jigs, fixtures, dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools (such as milling cutters and form tools), gauges, and other tools used in… …   Wikipedia

  • machine — n. & v. n. 1 an apparatus using or applying mechanical power, having several parts each with a definite function and together performing certain kinds of work. 2 a particular kind of machine, esp. a vehicle, a piece of electrical or electronic… …   Useful english dictionary

  • machine — machineless, adj. /meuh sheen /, n., v., machined, machining. n. 1. an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine. 2. a mechanical apparatus or contrivance;… …   Universalium

  • Code Access Security — (CAS), in the Microsoft .NET framework, is Microsoft s solution to prevent untrusted code from performing privileged actions. When the CLR loads an assembly it will obtain evidence for the assembly and use this to identify the code group that the …   Wikipedia

  • Tool Time — was the fictitious handyman show within a show in the television situation comedy, Home Improvement . It was hosted by Tim The Tool Man Taylor (played by Tim Allen) and Al Borland (played by Richard Karn). The sponsor of Tool Time was Binford… …   Wikipedia

  • Code Co-op — Developer(s) Reliable Software Initial release 1996; 14 years ago (1996) Stable rele …   Wikipedia

  • Tool-assisted speedrun — Un tool assisted speedrun (abrégé en TAS) est un speedrun d un jeu vidéo réalisé à l aide d un émulateur et d outils inaccessibles à des joueurs à la manette, comme le ralenti et le re recording, qui permet de recommencer n importe quel passage… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tool-assisted speedrun — A tool assisted speedrun (abbreviated TAS) is a speedrun movie or performance of a video game produced by means of emulation and using features unavailable to regular players, such as slow motion or frame by frame advance of the gameplay, and re… …   Wikipedia

  • Machine translation — Part of a series on Translation Types Language interpretation …   Wikipedia

  • G-code — G Code, or preparatory code or function, are functions in the Numerical control programming language. The G codes are the codes that position the tool and do the actual work, as opposed to M codes, that manages the machine; T for tool related… …   Wikipedia

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